Wolf Editor is a text editor that I built (nearly) entirely on my school chromebook. The project has been one of my most long lasting programming projects. It is a very basic text editor that could be run from any modern web browser. Some of the old versions have not-so-good code. This could cause issues if you're on a very old computer or device. As you might notice, I went through a few different usernames during this time.
Lost Wolf Editor Version
If my memory serves me right, then there is a potentially lost version of Wolf Editor. This version is simply an updated 1.3 variant that saves your dark mode preference, so, for example, if you left the page with dark mode enabled, it would keep that setting and reapply it when you reisited. I don't know where the files for it are anymore, and I don't even know if the preference saving feature will even work if adapted to bloodred.
Other note
This page is subject to change. I might add, correct, or even remove pieces of info, or entire builds in the future. As it stands this page is still technically unfinished. I thank you for understanding this! If you are readint this then I thank you for taking the time to read through this entire ramble of a webpage. Thanks for visiting, and I hope you, along with having a wonderful visit,also have a wonderful day or night, whatever time it is where you are!
Below is a collection of some of the old versions I have managed to find...